Wills and Estate Planning

Do You Need a Second Will for Your Overseas Assets?

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” (Pablo Picasso) If you own assets outside South Africa, you may have wondered: Is my local will enough? This is a question many South Africans are asking, and the answer will depend on your own unique situation. Let’s break it down. […]

Estate Planning: Why it Matters, and How To Get Started

“When the hurly-burly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won.” (One of the witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Another year draws to a close! If you’re taking a break, now’s a great time to get started on an estate plan – or to update your existing one. Estate planning is one of the most important steps […]

How Can You Protect Your Heirs’ Inheritances from Their Creditors?

“The only person who sticks closer to you in adversity than a friend is a creditor.” (Unknown) You’ve done everything you can to leave your loved ones financially secure after you die. You’ve left enough assets to set them up in their own lives, made a valid will (“Last Will and Testament”), and chosen a […]

Sibling Showdown: How One Missing Word in a Will Divided a Family

“From small mistakes come great catastrophes.” (Justin Cronin) We’ve all seen how even the smallest mistake can have huge consequences down the line. A recent High Court spat between siblings over a poorly-drafted will confirms once again that when it comes to important documents (and it doesn’t get more important than your will!), every word counts. […]

In the Land of the Will, Clarity is King

“The golden rule for the interpretation of testaments is to ascertain the wishes of the testator from the language used. And when these wishes are ascertained, the court is bound to give effect to them, unless we are prevented by some rule or law from doing so.” (Quoted in the judgment below) When drawing up […]

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